Wednesday 3 September 2014

Putting the fun into studying

Studying it is seen as boring thing to do especially in the black community they rather watch television the hole day than reading a book. Sir Charles Consulting is offering extra learning classes for learners on weekends.
know where you stand in you studies 
The late Nelson Mandela was bang on the money when she said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”  the reality is that in today’s competitive job market, simply having a metric pass will not open many doors for you. SCC encourages learners to obtain good results while the still in high school in fact they start mulling  over their career options and where they’d like to study  at least a year before sitting down to write those dreaded metric final exams.

Why learning is difficult, and what can make it easier ? Imagine your brain is like a 5 liter can that you have to fill up with information. You are trying to fill it up using only a small 5 ml teaspoon. 
Not the best pain in the world.If you study by just looking at the black print paper in your textbook, or your own writing in your
workbook it is like using only one tiny teaspoon to fill up 5 liter can.. You have to use many shapes, colors, sounds, smell and movement, visualization and even emotions to help you to memorize.
Remember not everything works for everybody. It is important that you figure out what works for you

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Educational Tours

take your education out of
your class room
Edu-tourism, It is the project that is being developed out of a need by Sir Charles Consulting company for learners in grade 10, 11 and 12. the project will mobilise learners by helping them to getting familiar to their future career while they still in high schools, so that it can be easy for them when they complete metric to choose their study field of interest. The Edu-Tours will disseminate information in a manner that integrates classroom lessons to reality; this will make the work of teachers to be easy than before because SCC will facilitate workshops on study skills, job search skills and the History of OR Thambo.

We have seen that many learners do struggle a lot during exam time, they cant study, write and they cant even do time management, leads to failing at the end of the year and drop outs. We have also seen the high rate of unemployed youth in south Africa that is up by 44.6% so Edu-Tours will equip them on how to search for jobs or even on how to start businesses. Why should schools provide commercial subject if they cant be entrepreneurs after completing metric.The tours will facilitate the visits to places of production such as Coca Cola, OR Tambo and Many more Historical places of interest. Assist the Schools to raise funds by contributing 5% of the net profit back to the schools.